Veteran Nollywood prodigy, Hank Anuku, has laid to rest rumours that he is mental ill. Recall that on Monday, the Nollywood community and fans were shocked when a video of Hank’s look-alike circulated on social media. In the video, the look-alike was raving mad in the street, dressed like a mad man, and mumbling and gesticulating to himself along the road.
Meanwhile, whereas some top Nollywood players dismissed the video as a work of art, others took it a bit more seriously and called on the Nollywood community to come to the assistant of the popular actor.
Hank has been in the industry for more than two decades. He was one of the old Nollywood buffs who was known for his action roles. He is still fondly remembered in his role in the action movie, Broad Day Light, in which he stares a villain.
On Wednesday, a Nollywood actress, Shan George shared a post on social media claiming she was on set with Hank and that he is fine. And despite social media fans calling her statement to question, she insisted Hank was fine and would soon clear the air. Meanwhile, another Nollywood actress, Adanma Luke, also differed with Shan George, arguing that Hank was mentally ill and needed help.
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However, just this morning, in a rather chilling revelation, Hank took to his Instagram page to debunk the rumours and lay to rest the whole debacle about his mental health. Hank Anuku, who looked hale and hearty in the video called on those who were spreading false rumours about him to find Jesus and stop parading fake rumours about his mental health.
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He clarified that the video was taken on set and wonders why anyone would mistake that as anything but a BTS (Behind The Scene) video.
He said, “Tell those motherf***ers who wrote crap about me to stop writing crap about me, and leave me alone. If they want to act a movie or if they need help, then they can come to me.
“I’ve been on set and anyone writing, using those pictures of me on set to try and destroy my image, may the Holy Spirit forgive you.”